Swiss Forestry Journal (SFJ)
Aims and scope
The Swiss Forestry Journal (SZF) publishes scientific articles on the development, use and protection of forests. It also prints articles that explore the connections between forests and landscape, natural hazards or society. Readership, authors and themes focus on Central Europe.
SZF is aimed at those with a bachelor's or master's degree who are professionally concerned with the forest or the landscape. It sees its role as sharing knowledge and as acting as a link between scientists and practitioners. That's why it positions itself between English-language international journals for scientists and magazines for forestry practitioners.
SZF is divided into four sections: "Perspectives", "Knowledge", "Notes" and "News." SZF will consider articles written in German or French; occasionally, articles written in English or Italian are accepted. Manuscripts submitted for publication in the "Perspectives" and "Knowledge" sections are subject to a formal peer review procedure.
For the Swiss Forestry Society the SZF is the official journal.
Electronic Journal
Overview of online accesses of SFS: