Who are we?
Our members are currently around 800 technical experts who work in the fields of forest, wildlife, landscape, natural hazards, nature protection, biodiversity, land planning, law, construction, sociology and health. It is common for all of us that in our professional activities - might be it in the practical, scientific or educativ field - we relate currently or in the past to the ecosystem forest and all the distinct crosscutting issues.
The Swiss Forestry Society has been founded in 1843. It is a charity, non-profit oriented Organisation. The comitee and its working groups work all voluntary.
What do we do?
We are committed to preserving the forest and its services so that future generations can also use it in a variety of ways.
Our engagement focuses towards the forest as part of our landscape, as producer of timber and other forest products, as protection against natural hazards and as provider of welfare services such as biodiversity, recreation and drinking water.
We treat current topics within our working groups. Our permanent working groups are "forest biodiversity", "forest and wildlife" as well as "forest planning and Management".
We promote the dialogue among members in order to exchange experiances, recognise development trends, solve problems in a holistic manner and to engage us within the forest politics.
We offer numerous technical events and excursions. Already since 1850 we publish the Swiss Forestry Journal.
Furthermore we are the editor of the Guidelines "Estimation of forest values". The three first editions were part of the Swiss Forestry Journal (N° 29, 1961; N°. 50, 1971 and N°. 70 1982).
And since mid-2018 we have a Facebook account.